Friday, October 3, 2008

18 mile run

Originally posted Sept. 21, 2008:

I was able to do my 18 mile run today. I did it in just under 3 hours and burnt through over 2K calories. Right now, as I type, I am very, very sore. Lot's of pain in my knees, but I feel good. I'm sure I am going to be even more sore in the am.

It was hard but felt great to complete it. I kept a very steady pace. It amazes me of how my pace has increased over the last month. The run itself was not too eventful. With the trouble of the 16 mile run, I tried to make sure I had good sleep the night before and tried to eat a lot of pasta. I also have GU with me and propel (for the water). It helps a lot. I did not take a drink until about mile 7 and then did not take the GU until the halfway point. Then, I refilled my water about mile 10.

I was starting to hit a wall about mile 12 and was slowing down. Some French man (I think he was French) then came running next to me (I could hear him jogging from behind). He asked if I wanted to join him and since I was hitting a wall I said okay (thought it might help). He kept a very fast pace (well under 9 mins a mile). We ran and talked (a little about our training and past marathons (none for me, four for him)). Then by mile 14 I told him I had to slow down (the pace was too fast and I was unsure I would make it if I kept his pace). But, it helped me get through my wall.

Then the last 4 miles went by fast. I tried to keep a 10 min a mile pace to finish under 3 hours. I did it! I'm so happy. I cannot believe I am going to have to find the strength to run 8.2 MORE miles, but I'm so glad that I completed this run.

My Garmin watch is having trouble transferring the data online (I do have it on my computer).

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